162 communities

Design Ops Italia

Design Ops Italia


Design Ops Italia è la comunità italiana sul design ops. Nata per raccogliere idee, contributi e contenuti sul design ops si pone l'obiettivo di diffondere la cultura del design ops in Italia

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The DesignOps community helps you connect with others, share your experiences and level up your craft. The most dangerous design meetup in Melbourne.

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DesignOps Assembly

DesignOps Assembly


Whether you’re new to Design Operations, a tenured leader or just DesignOps-curious, we’ve got you. DOA is a global network of over 1,000 DesignOps practitioners of all levels, working in top Tech companies, boutique Design agencies and everything in between.

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DesignOps Community

DesignOps Community


Join over 4,000 like-minded people interested in Design and Research Operations

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