162 communities

API Who Design

API Who Design


API (Asian & Pacific Islanders) Who Design is a living and growing directory that features API creatives in the design industry. Our mission is to highlight the breadth of talent within the API population, inspire new designers, connect with fellow APIs, share experiences, and help with the discovery of fresh talent for expanding teams.

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AfriSplash Remotely

AfriSplash Remotely


Africa’s #1 remote work community promoting diversity in the global remote workforce through African talents. Join the community 🌍, share your openings 📂, connect with creative talents 🤝🏾, make that hire ✅ & build a world-class distributed team on mutual trust 📈.

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Black UX Austin

Black UX Austin


The Black UX Austin Slack is a closed space for people of African ancestry (who may identify as Black) to meet other Black user experience professionals in Austin to build a community and thriving network.

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Our mission is to support each other on our Design and Webflow Development journey. ‍ We share our knowledge, learn from speakers across the world and grow together by practicing during our hands-on sessions. You will feel like a part of a supportive team where you will be able to create meaningful relationships with incredibly talented people.

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Hexagon UX

Hexagon UX


Hexagon is a non-profit organization aimed to empower and support womxn and non-binary folx in UX through our community, events, and mentorship around the world.

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Ladies That UX em Português

Ladies That UX em Português


Uma comunidade de mulheres em UX que se apóiam, ultrapassam os limites da UX e promovem as habilidades e talentos femininos.

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Ladies that UX

Ladies that UX


A community of women in UX who support each other, push the UX boundaries, and promote skill and talent

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Natives in Tech

Natives in Tech


Cultivate a tech ecosystem of Native technologists crafting free and open source technology for Native communities.

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We strive to instill confidence in our community by empowering the next generation of QTBIPOC (queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, and people of color) with the knowledge and tools to excel within the design industry.

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She Code Africa

She Code Africa


We are a non-profit organization focused on celebrating and empowering young Girls and Women in Technology across Africa. To build a community that embodies technical growth, networking, mentorship and visibility amongst all level career roles in Technology.

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Not your average women in tech community Triangirls is a community for women and non-binary people who work in Tech. The community and events are run voluntarily by Rachael Grocott, Liz Hamburger, Katrina Dargel and Liv Denyer.

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Where are the Black Designers?

Where are the Black Designers?


Where are the Black Designers is an initiative and platform for Black designers. By connecting designers, educators, and creative leaders we host a dialogue about change, both in and out of the design industry.

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